Coolmaster 75 G Manual

6/7/2019by admin

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7ENGLISHTSX 17B 1428 BATIBUS Micro-PLC - Follow-up SheetApart from the specific product features indicated on this follow-up sheet, thegeneral instructions for installing the TSX 17B 1428 Micro-PLC are the same asthose given in the TSX D11 000E Installation Manual.1 Planning the Installation (see Section 1 in TSX D11 000E)1.1 Description of TSX 17B 1428 PLCThese systems comprise: a 110/240 VAC power supply 1 that provides a 24 VDC, 250 mA supply output 2for 24 VDC sensors connected to the TSX 17, a CPU with programming port 3 and status display 4, an internal 24 Kbyte RAM program memory (and 2 Kbytes of data) that can bebacked up. The battery is located in 5 and has a 1 year service life. a location 6 for a plug-in EEPROM or EPROM memory cartridge for saving userprograms, a location ( for a PL7-2 software cartridge containing the BATIBUS function, 14 discrete I/O with front panel status display 9:- 12 isolated 24 VDC inputs 7- 2 relay outputs 8 a BATIBUS network ' with front panel status display 9, a 15 V, 150 mA power supply ' energizing the BATIBUS network, a 9-pin I/O bus extension connector &, 2 removable terminal strips with captive screw terminals, a ground connector .1 8 ' ' 4 53 2 ( 7 6 9 &8ENGLISH1.2 BATIBUS Network Status Display DEF This LED comes on when there is a BATIBUS fault NET This LED comes on when one of the system components is faulty, acknowledgement or BATIBUS interface problem DATA This LED flashes during transmission or reception ON This LED comes on when the line is energized by 15 V. It thus permitsdetection of line short-circuits and of a cross-connected module.ImportantThe contents of word SW16 can be displayed in 4 digit BCD format by setting SY 14 tostate 1 through PL7-2 programming. In this case the status display of both outputs (0,1)and of the BATIBUS network (DEF, NET, DATA, ON) is no longer active.2 Mounting Basic PLC/extension compatibility: as for TSX 172 3428 (see Section 2.3 inTSX D11 000E Manual) overall dimensions: as for TSX 172 3428 (see Section 2.4 in TSX D11 000EManual)SORTIESENTREESINPUTS0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 114 digit readoutContents of SW 16DEF NET DATA ON BUS MD0 1OUTPUTS9ENGLISHTSX 17B 1428 BATIBUS Micro-PLC - Follow-up Sheet3 Wiring (see Section 3 - TSX D11 000E)4 Setting into Service - Maintenance(See Section 4 in TSX D11 000E)5 Technical Characteristics5.1 Power Supply Characteristics: the same 110/240 V power supply as forTSX 172 3428 (see Section 5.1 in TSX D11 000E)5.2 24 VDC Input Characteristics: as for TSX 172 34285.3 Discrete Output Characteristics: relay outputs as for TSX 172 34285.4 BATIBUS Network Characteristics5.4.1 Principle of Coding/DecodingThe modules in the network are powered by 15 V supplied by the TSX 17B 1428 PLC.Modulation is achieved by pinching off the powered line. The physical layer transmitsor receives the coded frames.Line at rest : 15 V (logic state of 0)Pinched line : 0 V (logic state of 1)0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 110 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1124V0V 0,25 A0V+--+POW15 VBUSN L C0 1C0 1110V240V50/60Hzor or+ + --BATIBUS line poweredby internal 15 VPower supply110 to 240VAC24 VDC inputs24 to 240VACor 24VDC outputsConnect shieldingto PLC side~~ ~10ENGLISH5.4.2 15 V Power Supply Characteristics No load voltage 15.5 V 10% Voltage under load 13.8 V min. at 150 mA Pinch-off current 300 mA 10% Isolation between mains and bus 4000 Vrms Capacitance between line and mains 50 pF5.4.3 BATIBUS Line Characteristics Transmitter Network- Voltage across line terminals at pinch-off 1.5 V max. with 330 mA- Leakage current on line at rest 50 m A at 18 V Receiver Network- Input resistance 500 K W max.- Line resistance 12 W max. between powersupply and most distant point- Line voltage drop 3.6 V max.- Line capacitance 250 nF max.- Spurious capacitance at a point 50 pF max.- Pinch-off-to-breakdown andbreakdown-to-pinch-off switchover times 2 m s min., 5 m s max. with noload on line- Modulation rate 4800 bps (bits per second)5.4.4 Recommended Cable BATIBUS cable (P/N 63715) marketed by Merlin Gerin.Name Area Isolation Type or Screen I L R/kmmm2 (1) shielding m mBATIBUS 0.75 4 KV flexible yes 250 1900 46.2BATIBUS 1.5 4 KV flexible yes 500 2500 24.2BATIBUS 2.5 4 KV flexible yes 600 2500 15.2I : max. length from processor (or sub-station) to most distant BATIBUS point.L : max. length of overall BATIBUS network.(1) : isolation between the conductors and the screen or shielding when present;otherwise between the conductors and the outside surface of the wire.5.4.5 Special Wiring PrecautionsWhenever possible keep the BATIBUS cable at least 20 cm away from power cables.6 Service Conditions(see Section 6 in TSX D11 000E)TSX 17 MICRO-PLC. USER'S MANUALTSX 17 MICRO-PLCContents1 Planning the installation1.1 TSX 17 Micro-PLC Description1.2 Discrete I/O Extension Blocks1.3 Discrete I/O Extension Modules1.4 Mains Power Break/Return1.5 Catalog Information (Accessories)1.6 Specific I/O1.7 PL7-2 Software Cartridges1.8 Saving Programs and Data1.9 I/O Addressing2 Mounting2.1 Building a Configuration2.2 Configuration Examples2.3 Basic PLC/Extension Compatibility2.4 Dimensions2.5 Mounting Considerations3 Wiring3.1 Power Supplies3.2 24VDC Inputs, Relay Outputs3.3 110VAC Inputs, Relay Outputs3.4 24VDC Inputs, Transistor Outputs3.5 Extension Module I/O3.6 2- and 3- Wire Detector Connection Examples3.7 Event-Triggered Inputs3.8 Fast Counter 3.9 Wiring the I/O4 Setting into Service - Maintenance4.1 Initial Power-up Procedure4.2 Checking the I/O Connections4.3 Troubleshooting Using the Indicator Lights5 Technical Characteristics5.1 Power Supply Characteristics5.2 Discrete Input Characteristics5.3 Discrete Input Characteristics5.3 TSX 17-20 Event Triggered and Fast Counting Input Characteristics5.4 Discrete Output Characteristics5.5 Compatibility with Telemecanique Sensors5.6 Compatibility with Telemecanique Actuators6 Service Conditions6.1 Standards6.2 Environment - Normal Service Conditions6.3 Reliability6.4 Safety - System Availability7 Appendix7.1 Isolation Transformer Equipped Power Supply7.2 TSX 17 ACC2 DisplayTSX 17B 1428 BATIBUS1 Planning the Installation1.1 Description of TSX 17B 1428 PLC1.2 BATIBUS Network Status Display2 Mounting3 Wiring (see Section 3 - TSX D11 000E)4 Setting into Service - Maintenance5 Technical Characteristics5.1 Power Supply Characteristics5.2 24 VDC Input Characteristics5.3 Discrete Output Characteristics5.4 BATIBUS Network Characteristics5.4.1 Principle of Coding/Decoding5.4.2 15 V Power Supply Characteristics5.4.3 BATIBUS Line Characteristics5.4.4 Recommended Cable5.4.5 Special Wiring Precautions6 Service ConditionsTSX DMF 242A I/O EXTENSION FOR TSX 171. Planning the Installation2. Mounting3. Wiring4. Setting into Service - Maintenance5. Technical Characteristics6. Service Conditions

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